Jesus Songs - Switch
Jesus Songs - Switch

SERIES OVERVIEW: Attention drives formation. In other words, what we give our attention to shapes the kind of person we become. That’s why the songs we sing matter so much. Whether intentional or not, those lyrics and melodies stick in our heads and work their way into our hearts. This isn’t actually a defect, it’s by design. Think about it: There’s a song book filled with musical declarations of who God is and what He’s like included in the Bible! He knows everything about us; He knows the way our hearts work and He wants to renovate us from the inside out to be like Him. So, as we close out this semester, we are going to give our full attention to Jesus and tune our hearts to worship Him—with the songs we sing and the people we become.

MAIN IDEA: The songs we sing shape the life we live.

ANCHOR TEXT: Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Psalm 103:1 NLT


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  • 2 Miracles | Video Message
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